Lakeland Community Directory

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Lakeland Community Directory

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Dragonfly Centre


Referral Process – Clients can self-refer or Outside Community Agencies/Organizations and Schools Community agencies may make a referral on behalf of a client and with their consent. Please find our Online Referral form here: An Intake Worker worker will follow up with the client promptly to provide support and service options. Please call (780) 812-3174 if you have questions or require assistance.
How Are Services Offered
Group, 1 on 1, Phone, Virtual
Services Provided
DCSC provides specialized and individualized services to address the needs of people impacted directly or indirectly by sexual violence. DCSC offers a continuum of support services including crisis intervention, counselling, advocacy (medical/legal). All counselling and support services are free of charge and available to survivors (historical or recent) and support persons; individuals and families (3+ years of age).

Additionally, DCSC provides sexual violence-related education for the general public and education and training for professionals prone to disclosures.
Payment Methods
Free, Cash, Cheque
Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday 8:30 - 4:00
Mailing Address
PO Box 10004 RPO Bonnyville East Bonnyville, AB T9N 2G9


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